The average house price on LEMARK CLOSE is £711,901
The most expensive house in the street is 6 LEMARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £824,383
The cheapest house in the street is 3 LEMARK CLOSE with an estimated value of £605,342
The house which was most recently sold was 5 LEMARK CLOSE, this sold on 15 Nov 2019 for £630,000
The postcode for LEMARK CLOSE is HA7 4HA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 113 m2 £724,626 £475,000 15 Aug 2014
3 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached £605,342 £363,000 20 Dec 2006
4 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached £779,265 £236,000 25 Sep 2001
5 LEMARK CLOSE Terraced , 114 m2 £778,380 £630,000 15 Nov 2019
6 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 119 m2 £824,383 £665,000 20 Aug 2019
10 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached £714,915 £205,000 24 Apr 2001
11 LEMARK CLOSE Semi-Detached , 123 m2 £654,715 £375,000 10 Jun 2011
12 LEMARK CLOSE Terraced £613,582 £111,000 4 Oct 1996